Food Shelf
Market Hours: Monday , Wednesday, Thursday: 10:30am - 5:30pm , Tuesday & Friday 10:30am-3pm
Basic Needs combats food insecurity with a walk-in, welcoming, dignity-based, choice-focused food market, including well-stocked grocery staples, a consistent supply of fresh fruits and vegetables, and an anonymity and convenience-based shopping experience designed for clients hesitant or unable to engage with the hunger relief se
Just this past September 2023, we opened our Food Market in Cottage Grove. Our welcoming, walk-in market that empowers people to choose the foods that best fit their needs, including fresh fruits and vegetables and culturally relevant options. It’s entirely run by over 50 passionate volunteers who make it all possible!
836,000+ pounds of food distributed
278,500 pounds of food rescued
120,000+ people served
54,000 households supported
800+ pounds of locally grown produce distributed